Company Profile

JS Infocom Limited (the Company) was incorporated on August 25, 2003 as a public limited unlisted company under the Companies Ordinance, 1984.

The registered office is situated at 20th Floor, The Center, Plot No 28, SB-5, Abdullah Haroon Road, Saddar, Karachi.

The Company is established to undertake telecommunication business or invest in companies engaged in providing telecommunication services. The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Jahangir Siddiqui & Co. Ltd.

Associated Companies

  1. JS Bank Limited
  2. JS Global Capital Limited
  3. JS Investments Limited
  4. JS Abamco Commodities Limited
  5. Energy Infrastructure Holding (Private) Limited
  6. JS Fuel (Private) Limited
  7. JS Petroleum (Private) Limited
  8. JS Engineering Investment 1 (Private) Limited
  9. JS International Limited
  10. Quality Energy Solutions Private Limited
  11. Khairpur Solar Power Private Limited
  12. BankIslami Pakistan Limited
  13. EFU Life Assurance Limited
  14. EFU Service (Private) Limited
  15. Hum Network Limited
  16. Azgard Nine Limited


To be a leading provider of innovative products and services in the field of information technology.


To provide reliable information technology solutions that exceed customer expectations through innovation with diligent and dedicated customer care services.

Company Information

Company Registration Number 


National Tax Number


Registered Office

20th Floor, The Center,
Plot No 28, SB-5,  Shahrah-e-Faisal,
Abdullah Haroon Road, Saddar
Karachi – 75530, Pakistan

UAN: (+92-21) 111 574 111
Fax: (+92-21) 32800090

Email Address:

Statutory Auditor

Baker Tilly Mehmood Idrees Qamar,
Chartered Accountants

Holding Company

Jahangir Siddiqui & Co. Ltd

Legal Advisor

Ms. Lubna Aman,

Contact Person

Mr. Syed Ali Hasham
CFO and Company Secretary